
Gates Cambridge Article has a new article up featuring my work with Mamás del Río . I’ve written previously about the work I’m doing with MDR. The Gates article does a great job providing additional perspective as well as some recent developments with the project.

Tags: android ictd

Mamás del Río

In February I went to Peru to meet with Magaly Blas and Isaac Alva, two global health researchers at the Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia (UPCH). UPCH is based in Lima, but Magaly and Isaac have projects both in and outside of the capital. When I was living in Lima in the last half of 2014 I started working with them on a project based in the Peruvian Amazon. The project is called Mamás del Río .

Tags: android ictd



Momentary is an Android keyboard with one function: entering today’s date. I find myself entering today’s date multiple times a day when I’m using my phone. Under normal circumstances this is a pain to type. 2016-05-25, for example, is at least 10 clicks, and this is even worse if you’re relying on long presses. Momentary to the rescue! When you select Momentary as the input method, it enters today’s date and immediately returns to the previous input method.

Tags: android code